Will Trump Be Allowed To Become President?

He just asked the question that had to be asked.

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Eric Weinstein, one of the smartest minds of our generation.

In an unsettling and deeply troubling revelation, renowned economist Eric Weinstein has raised the alarm on the future of American democracy, suggesting that Donald Trump might not be "allowed" to become president again. In a recent episode of the Modern Wisdom podcast, Weinstein laid bare the chilling reality that many conservatives have long suspected: the global elites, or the so-called "World Order," are working behind the scenes to control who can and cannot ascend to the highest office in the United States.

Weinstein’s words should send shockwaves through anyone who cares about the integrity of our democratic system. "Democracy was the illusion of choice," he explained, cutting through the comforting narratives we’ve been fed for decades. According to Weinstein, the system was rigged to offer us two candidates—both of whom were deemed acceptable by the international order. This was what we called democracy, but in reality, it was a carefully orchestrated charade. "That's called magician's choice," Weinstein said, revealing the disturbing truth that we have been given the illusion of choice, while the real power lies in the hands of global elites who pull the strings.

In the past, elections were controlled by a duopoly—two parties presenting candidates that the international order found acceptable. It didn’t matter who won; the global agenda would continue unabated. "Magician's choice in the primaries, and then you'd have the duopoly field, two candidates, either of which was acceptable, and you could actually afford to hold an election and the populace would vote," Weinstein explained. This cynical manipulation of the democratic process has been the status quo—until Donald Trump came along.

Trump's rise to power was not part of the plan. He broke through the primary structure that was designed to weed out any candidate who might challenge the established order. His 2016 victory sent shockwaves through the system, and according to Weinstein, the elites have learned their lesson. "They learned their lesson. You cannot afford to have candidates who are not acceptable to the international order," he warned.

Watch the video above, it’s well worth it. Even Elon Musk responded to the tweet agreeing with Weinstein’s premise, saying “Pretty much.”

This raises an urgent and terrifying question: Is Trump being systematically blocked from returning to the presidency? And if so, what does this mean for the future of American democracy? If the elites can prevent a candidate like Trump from even getting a chance at the presidency, then what hope is there for true democracy?

Weinstein's comments should serve as a wake-up call to all Americans. The very foundation of our democratic system is at risk. If we are only allowed to choose between candidates who have been pre-approved by global elites, then we are not living in a democracy at all—we are living in an oligarchy disguised as one.

The possibility that Trump, a candidate who broke the mold and dared to challenge the status quo, could be barred from the presidency by these shadowy forces is nothing short of a crisis. It suggests that our votes are meaningless if they do not align with the interests of the global order.

We are at a critical juncture. The American people must demand transparency and accountability from those who control the levers of power. If Trump is indeed being blocked from the presidency, it would represent a catastrophic failure of our democratic system—a system that millions of Americans have fought and died to protect.

We cannot afford to be complacent. The stakes are too high. If we allow the global elites to dictate who can and cannot run for office, then we have already lost our democracy. It is time to stand up and fight for our right to choose our leaders, free from the manipulations of those who would see our freedoms stripped away in the name of maintaining their global power.

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