Tucker Carlson: "Mike Pompeo Intimidated Trump Into..."

Pompeo's lawyers threatened Tucker.

Tucker Carslon appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast and unloaded on Mike Pompeo.

Tucker Carlson made shockwaves on the internet this weekend as he joined Joe Rogan for a 3 hour sitdown on Rogan’s podcast, the Joe Rogan Experience. Not only is Rogan’s podcast the biggest podcast in the world, but you could make the argument that Tucker himself is the biggest journalist in the world as well. So you knew there were gonna be fireworks! And the podcast didn’t disappoint.

Among the many bombshells Tucker dropped on the show, one of the biggest ones was regarding Mike Pompeo and his role in the JFK assassination coverup. Tucker went on to claim that not only did former CIA director Mike Pompeo allegedly plot to assassinate Julian Assange, but Tucker claims that Mike Pompeo threatened him and even intimidated President Trump to not release the JFK files.

"Mike Pompeo was the secretary of state, but before then, he was the director of the CIA. And in that position, he plotted the murder of Julian Assange. So he is a criminal as far as I'm concerned.

But his lawyer called me and said, you know, you should know that anyone who tells you the contents of classified documents has committed a crime. He's threatening me...

And so Mike Pompeo is the one who pressed Trump to keep those documents secret...

Pompeo did that. I think Pompeo is a really sinister person and a criminal. I think that. I think that because the facts suggest that he was caught."

You can watch the full clip here below, but in all honesty, the entire podcast is worth listening to. Tucker is one of the last decent journalists out there and even though he may not get everything right, you can’t fault the way the man goes about his business and asking all the right questions.

What do you think? Do you think a man like Mike Pompeo can be trusted in a future Trump administration, or are you with Tucker in thinking Pompeo is a sinister person? Let us know in the poll below!

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