This Is Who They Really Are

"I don't know if that's true."

The next 4 years will be massive for the future of our country, but it’s going to be a fight. The establishment will throw everything they have at the America First movement to stop it. That’s why we’re here. We’re fighting back against mainstream media propaganda so the truth comes out. But we need your help. Please consider joining the fight by supporting our work for only $3/month. We can’t do it without you. Your support keeps us and the country going!

The mask comes off.

For years, Joy Behar and her far-left counterparts in the media have lectured Americans about compassion, tolerance, and diversity. They have positioned themselves as the moral arbiters of truth, constantly wagging their fingers at conservatives and accusing them of every imaginable form of bigotry. But as always, their so-called “values” disappear the moment they face someone they cannot control. Just look at Joy Behar’s disgusting rant against Elon Musk on The View, a segment so unhinged that it sounded like something straight out of the Ku Klux Klan or a 1930s fascist regime.

Behar, who has built her career on virtue-signaling to an audience desperate for approval from Hollywood’s elite, went into full meltdown mode when discussing Musk’s role in restoring free speech and challenging liberal orthodoxy. “The guy was not born in this country,” she sneered, as if that alone somehow disqualified Musk from being a leader in the U.S. She then doubled down with an even more vile statement: “He was born under apartheid in another country, so he has that mentality going on.” This is where the liberal “tolerance” completely collapses. Suddenly, a successful immigrant, someone who has built multiple world-changing companies, is being reduced to his place of birth in a desperate attempt to smear him. What exactly does she mean by “that mentality”? That Musk, a man who left South Africa as a teenager and has done more for technological progress than Behar could ever dream of, somehow supports apartheid? It’s an absolutely disgusting accusation with no basis in reality, but it’s the kind of rhetoric the left resorts to when they can’t win an argument.

The meltdown didn’t stop there. Behar went on to say, “Trump let this foreigner, foreign agent, an enemy of the United States, do his job.” Let that sink in. This is the same Behar who, for years, has insisted that questioning immigration policies is racist. The same person who has demonized conservatives for wanting border security and legal immigration reform. Yet, the moment someone she dislikes is involved, she has no problem using xenophobic rhetoric that would get any Republican canceled in an instant. Imagine if a conservative had said the exact same thing about a left-wing immigrant. The outrage would be immediate and relentless. CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of the establishment media would be running wall-to-wall coverage condemning the statement as “far-right extremism.” But because it’s Joy Behar, a loyal foot soldier for the Democratic Party, she will face zero consequences.

The most laughable part of this entire debacle was when Behar, after spewing this vitriol, suddenly realized that she had crossed the line. After a commercial break, she backtracked on her own words accusing Elon of being pro-apartheid, saying, “I have no idea if that’s true” and even asking Musk not to sue her. Think about that. This woman was so desperate to attack Musk that she fabricated a claim that he supported apartheid on live television, and then, when reality set in, she tried to weasel out of it. This is the modern left in a nutshell. They throw out the most vile accusations imaginable, hoping something sticks, and when they realize they’ve gone too far, they scramble for cover.

The next 4 years will be massive for the future of our country, but it’s going to be a fight. The establishment will throw everything they have at the America First movement to stop it. That’s why we’re here. We’re fighting back against mainstream media propaganda so the truth comes out. But we need your help. Please consider joining the fight by supporting our work for only $3/month. We can’t do it without you. Your support keeps us and the country going!

Joy Behar and her ilk on The View have never been about truth, fairness, or compassion. They are mean-spirited, hateful, and completely detached from reality. They spend their days smearing conservatives, gaslighting the public, and creating boogeymen to keep their audience scared and compliant. But deep down, they don’t believe a word they say. If they truly believed in the sanctity of immigration, in fairness, and in decency, they wouldn’t be spewing xenophobic bile against Elon Musk. If they truly valued integrity, Behar wouldn’t have lied on national television and then begged not to be sued for it.

The truth is simple: The left doesn’t hate Elon Musk because of his background. They hate him because they can’t control him. They hate him because he’s not on “their team.” They hate that he took Twitter, a platform they once dominated, and turned it into a space for free speech and open debate. They hate that he’s challenging their stranglehold on big tech, media, and the political landscape. They hate that he has the resources and the influence to fight back.

But here’s the good news: They’re losing. The fact that Joy Behar had to resort to straight-up xenophobia to attack Musk proves that the left has nothing left but lies and smears. They aren’t winning hearts and minds, and they know it. They’ve lost control of the narrative, and they’re panicking.

Elon Musk isn’t going anywhere, and neither is the movement for free speech, truth, and real accountability. Joy Behar, on the other hand, has once again exposed herself and the entire liberal establishment for what they truly are: hypocrites, frauds, and the very bigots they claim to oppose.

Do you think Joy Behar should be fired for spewing this hateful rhetoric on live television.

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