STUNNER: Trump Prosecutor Paid By The DNC

A jaw-dropping development in the Trump legal saga.

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Trump prosecutor on the DNC payroll.

In the latest jaw-dropper from the sprawling legal saga surrounding Donald Trump, it’s come to light that Matthew Colangelo, a key prosecutor in the New York City hush money case against the former president, once cashed checks from the Democratic National Committee for “political consulting.” If your first reaction is to spit out your coffee in disbelief, you’re not alone. This revelation, courtesy of a Fox News Digital dive into Federal Election Commission records, has tongues wagging and tempers flaring about just how deep the politicization of justice goes.

So here’s the scoop: Colangelo, apparently not just a legal eagle but also a political consultant, pocketed a cool $12,000 from the DNC back on January 31, 2018, divvied up into two neat $6,000 payments. Now, with this guy playing a starring role in prosecuting Trump, you’ve got to wonder if the courtroom is turning into just another political battleground.

The optics? Pretty terrible. The implications? Even worse. Here we have a prosecutor, who should theoretically embody impartiality, previously on the payroll of a major political party. And not just any party—the very party that sees Trump as public enemy number one. This plot twist could write itself into any political thriller, and you wouldn’t even need to embellish it.

Critics are having a field day, and why wouldn’t they? This kind of revelation fuels the narrative that the multiple cases stacked against Trump might not just be about justice. Instead, they whisper—or shout, depending on who you’re talking to—that these legal moves are politically motivated attacks dressed up in legal robes. And when the prosecutor’s past includes a paycheck signed by the DNC, those accusations get a lot harder to dismiss.

Supporters of the prosecution might argue that a professional can keep their past political consulting separate from their legal responsibilities. Fair point in an ideal world, but we’re not living in one of those. We’re living in a hyper-partisan, trust-no-one, believe-nothing-until-you-see-the-receipts kind of world. In this climate, Colangelo’s DNC connections are about as welcome as a skunk at a garden party when it comes to maintaining public confidence in the judicial process.

The whole situation begs a larger question about the entanglement of politics and justice. How can the public maintain trust in the system when key figures in legal proceedings have undeniable ties to political entities? This isn’t just about one lawyer or one case—it’s about the integrity of the system that’s supposed to stand above the fray, delivering justice without a hint of blue or red tint.

This latest development is more than just a subplot in the Trump legal saga; it’s a spotlight on a disturbing possibility that “justice” might just be another tool in the political toolkit. As the case progresses, keep your eyes peeled and your mind open, because in this high-stakes game, every player’s past is relevant, and no revelation is too small to shake the foundations of what’s supposed to be a fair fight.

Meanwhile, Trump, to his credit has stayed defiant. He’s even willing to go to jail over the judge’s ridiculous gag order! “I’ll do that sacrifice any day!” Trump boldly says to the camera.

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