Sorry, We Don't Believe You

She was seen crying.

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She says she cares.

Once again, the entitlement of Washington, D.C.’s overpaid, underworked bureaucrats is on full display. A federal worker—who was fired under President Trump’s long-overdue government restructuring—was caught crying about losing her job, claiming she “could get a job in the private sector tomorrow” but chooses to work for the government because she just “cares too much about the country.”

Let’s be honest: No, she doesn’t.

Like most of Washington’s massive, bloated bureaucracy, these federal workers aren’t in it for love of country. They’re in it for the lifestyle. The truth is, most of these people don’t actually want to work—they want to be in DC, rubbing elbows with power players, enjoying their permanent job security, and having the prestige of working “in government” without actually producing anything of value.

Need proof? Look at how D.C. votes. In the last presidential election, over 90% of DC residents voted for Kamala Harris. Every election, Washington, D.C. votes about 95% for the Democrats. This is a city full of people who despise America’s founding values, push globalist policies, and think of average Americans as nothing more than tax cattle to fund their bloated salaries. And yet, we’re supposed to believe they’re “patriots” who care about this country?

Give me a break.

This particular moment came as fired bureaucrats stormed the Senate to “tell their stories.” What they really meant was that they demanded their government jobs back because working in the real world would be too difficult for them.

Here’s what one of them had to say:

"We've never had an issue with our performance, and we're doing work for the American public."

Actual translation should be: We can’t actually point to any real accomplishments, but we were never formally reprimanded for doing a bad job.

"We're patriots. We love our country. That's why we're taking these jobs that don't pay us."

This one is laughable. First of all, federal jobs pay very well, and more importantly, they come with benefits and pensions that most Americans could only dream of. Secondly, if they truly loved America, they wouldn’t be overwhelmingly voting for the same leftist policies that are destroying the country.

"I'm an accountant. I can get a private sector job tomorrow."

Oh really? Then why don’t you?

Because in the real world, you have to prove your worth. In the real world, there are performance reviews, deadlines, and consequences for failure. In the real world, you can’t coast through your job for 30 years, collecting a pension while never actually being held accountable for anything.

The actual translation of what this woman said should be:

"I don’t want a job in the private sector because I’ll have to actually work and undergo performance reviews."

That’s what this is really about. They don’t want to be held accountable. They don’t want to actually compete in a real job market. They want their guaranteed paycheck, their special access to DC social circles, and their ability to wield power over Americans while contributing absolutely nothing of value.

This is exactly why Trump was right to drain the swamp and fire as many useless federal employees as possible. The government is too big. It’s filled with unaccountable bureaucrats who do nothing except slow down progress, create red tape, and leech off taxpayers.

And yet, when they finally get fired, they cry to the media about how unfair it all is. These people don’t care about America. They care about their privileges, their status, and their easy jobs.

Washington, D.C. is a city of government parasites, and Trump needs to keep firing them until we have a government that actually works for the American people—not for itself.

Do you have any sympathy for government employees who leech off of taxpayers?

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