This Leaked DNC Election Map Just Caused A FIRESTORM

Why was it leaked?

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The post-debate ramifications are only now being felt.

The Democratic Party is in full-blown panic mode after internal polling leaked showing President Joe Biden trailing former President Donald Trump by a significant margin following their debate. In fact, it might be better to describe it as a blowout. The leaked polling data, which has sent shockwaves through the party, shows Trump with a commanding lead over Biden, causing many to question whether Biden is the right candidate to lead the party into the next election. And keep in mind this is also coming off what many are describing as the worst Presidential debate performance in history.

The leaked internal polling has left many Democrats wondering why it was released in the first place. Was it an attempt to undermine Biden's candidacy and push for a new nominee? Or was it simply a reflection of the growing concern among party members about Biden's chances in the upcoming election? Regardless, any way you slice it, it doesn’t look good for Biden and his Democratic coalition. This map shows Trump getting a massive 358 delegates this run, a number so staggering it would be up there with one of the greatest Presidential runs of all time. What’s worse, this data is from OpenLabs, a very trusted Democratic firm. So this is their own internal polling we’re seeing, and it falls within the margin of error.

Making matters EVEN worse, when you dive into the specifics of the battleground states, it gets even more dire for the Democrats. If this was coming from a Republican aligned firm, we’d probably dismiss it, but since it’s coming for the other side, we have to ask ourselves, what the heck is going on here!

Some Democrats have speculated that the leak was a deliberate attempt to force Biden out of the race. They argue that the party is desperate for a change and that the leaked polling data was a way to show Biden that he is no longer the best choice to lead the party.

Others believe that the leak was simply a reflection of the growing concern among party members about Biden's chances in the upcoming election. They argue that the party is simply trying to gauge public opinion and that the leaked polling data was an unfortunate accident.

Regardless of the reason behind the leak, one thing is clear: the Democrats are in full panic mode. They are scrambling to find a way to turn the tide in their favor and are questioning whether Biden is the right candidate to lead the party into the next election.

In fact, there’s a reason Trump has been so quiet after the debate. As the old saying goes, never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake. And the Democrats are making one mistake after another! The next couple of weeks should reveal a lot.

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