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  • "This is institutionalized corruption that you are now the face of.”

"This is institutionalized corruption that you are now the face of.”

He said it to her face.

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Every citizen needs to watch this.

In a stunning and damning revelation that should shake the foundations of Washington, Senator Josh Hawley has blown the lid off Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm's deceitful testimony before Congress. Granholm, a key figure in the Biden administration, has been caught red-handed lying about her ownership of individual stocks—stocks in companies directly impacted by her department’s decisions. This explosive scandal is not just a black mark on Granholm, but a glaring indictment of the deep-seated corruption that has taken root in the Biden White House.

Granholm’s brazen lie to Congress—where she falsely claimed she did not own any individual stocks—has been exposed as a blatant attempt to hide her financial entanglements. The truth? Granholm was holding stocks in companies that could benefit from the very policies she oversees as head of the Department of Energy. This isn’t just unethical; it’s a textbook example of corruption at the highest levels of government.

Senator Hawley, refusing to let this deception slide, unleashed a scathing critique of Granholm and the Biden administration. “This is exactly what people despise about Washington, D.C.,” Hawley declared, ripping into the hypocrisy and greed that have become synonymous with the Biden regime. Hawley’s condemnation cuts to the core of what so many Americans have come to believe: the Biden administration isn’t here to serve the people—it’s here to serve itself. “I just want to know who really runs the Energy Department. Is it you or is it the mega-corporations whose stock that you own that you’re making profit in,” Hawley fumed.

He added, “You were presiding over institutionalized corruption in your Energy Department,” Hawley chided. “It is institutionalized corruption that you are now the face of.”

You have to watch the video. It’s very telling.

This scandal is the latest—and perhaps the most glaring—example of the institutionalized corruption that has infested the Biden administration from day one. Biden, who promised to restore “decency” and “integrity” to the White House, has instead presided over an administration that is neck-deep in conflicts of interest, backdoor deals, and now, outright lies to Congress. Granholm’s deception is emblematic of an administration that views itself as above the law, unaccountable to the American people it is supposed to serve.

What makes this even more outrageous is the sheer audacity of Granholm and her cronies in the Biden administration. As Energy Secretary, Granholm holds immense power over policies that can make or break entire industries. Her secret stock holdings create a chilling conflict of interest, raising serious questions about whether her decisions are being made in the public interest—or in her own financial interest. This is corruption, plain and simple.

And yet, despite the severity of these revelations, one has to ask: Will Granholm face any real consequences? Or will the Biden administration, true to form, sweep this scandal under the rug, hoping the American public will move on to the next news cycle? This is a critical test of accountability in a government that has so far proven to be anything but transparent.

The reality is, Granholm’s lies are not just about one person’s greed—they are a symptom of a much larger disease infecting the Biden administration. This administration has been marked by an unprecedented level of ethical violations, from top officials flouting the very rules they are supposed to enforce, to conflicts of interest that would make even the most cynical observers blush. The Biden White House isn’t just corrupt—it’s institutionalizing corruption on a scale we’ve never seen before.

The American people deserve WAYYY better than this. They deserve leaders who are accountable, who operate with integrity, and who put the public interest above their own financial gain. Instead, they are being served a government that is rotten to the core, one that believes it can lie, cheat, and steal without facing any consequences. In fact, if any of us did what Granholm did, we’d be in prison!

Senator Hawley’s exposure of Jennifer Granholm’s lies is a critical first step in holding this corrupt administration accountable. But the fight doesn’t end here. The American people must demand justice, demand transparency, and demand an end to the systemic corruption that has come to define the Biden presidency. Anything less is a betrayal of the very principles upon which this nation was founded.

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