When Even CNN Is Saying This, You Know It's Over

It could only be described as disastrous...

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CNN is stunned.

In a day that could only be described as absolutely disastrous for the prosecution in the Donald Trump hush money trial, Michael Cohen, the once-touted star witness, faced a brutal cross-examination that left onlookers and commentators reeling. CNN’s own Anderson Cooper, seldom lost for words, described the courtroom scene as “incredible,” noting the effectiveness of defense attorney Todd Blanche’s strategy: “On a cross examination lawyers want to build a box around the witness and then slam it shut. That’s what Todd Blanche did to Michael Cohen.”

The day's events were not just a blow to the case against Trump but a spectacle that even drew mocking comments from Donald Trump Jr., who took to social media to ridicule the proceedings. “When you’ve lost CNN’s Anderson Cooper, you have a clown show! Yes, maybe don’t bet your entire case on a convicted liar!" Trump Jr. tweeted, highlighting the sentiment felt by many observers that relying heavily on Cohen might have been a strategic misstep.

CNN’s legal analyst further punctuated the day's failures by admitting a rarely seen level of defeat for a cooperating witness: “I don't think I’ve never seen a star cooperating witness get his knees chopped out quite as clearly and dramatically as what just happened with Michael Cohen."

The implications of Cohen’s faltering are manifold. Initially presented as the linchpin of the case, his crumbling credibility under cross-examination not only weakens the immediate legal arguments against Trump but also potentially casts a long shadow over the broader efforts to hold the former president accountable. Critics of the proceedings have long maintained that the legal actions against Trump are more about political retribution than justice, and today’s events have handed them ample ammunition.

For those following the trial, the stark juxtaposition between the prosecution’s portrayal of Cohen as a credible source of damning evidence and his performance on the stand was jarring. It raises questions about the decision-making process within the Manhattan District Attorney’s office when building their case. Why was so much weight placed on the testimony of a figure whose reliability could be so effectively dismantled by the defense?

Moreover, the fallout extends beyond the courtroom. This trial is as much about public perception as it is about legal outcomes. Today’s events may have irrevocably tainted the view of the trial for many, lending credence to claims that it is nothing more than a politicized attack on Trump. The spectacle of Cohen’s testimony, covered extensively by media outlets including CNN, serves as a dramatic visual and narrative that could shape public opinion regarding the legitimacy of the case against Trump.

As the trial progresses, the prosecution will undoubtedly need to regroup and reassess its strategies, not only for its legal tactics but also for managing the narrative that unfolds in the court of public opinion. Today’s events have underscored the volatile nature of relying on complex, controversial figures like Michael Cohen in high-stakes legal battles. The challenge now lies in overcoming a narrative of failure and convincingly arguing their case against a backdrop of skepticism and waning confidence.

As it stands, the day has ended with a strengthened hand for Trump’s defense team, while the prosecution is left to pick up the pieces of a crumbling cornerstone of their case. The road ahead promises to be uphill, fraught with challenges both in and out of the courtroom.

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