What Dems Just Did at The DNC Says It All

It has to be seen to be believed.

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Is that a fence we see? And ID to enter?

In a stunning display of hypocrisy, the Democratic Party has erected a towering wall around their convention venue in Chicago and enforce strict photo ID requirements for anyone who wants to attend. Yes, the very party that has spent years branding border walls as racist and condemning voter ID laws as discriminatory is now embracing both—when it conveniently serves their interests.

For years, Democrats have lambasted anyone who dared to suggest that America needs secure borders, often labeling the construction of a border wall as an act of racism. Yet, when it comes to protecting their own at their convention, walls suddenly become a necessity. The message couldn’t be clearer: walls are fine for us, but not for you. And by the way, they’ve now put up multiple fences!

And let’s not overlook the ID requirement. We’ve heard the left’s arguments countless times—demanding ID is discriminatory, disenfranchises voters, and is inherently racist. But when it comes to their own event, ID suddenly becomes crucial. If Democrats truly believe that requiring ID is oppressive, why are they so quick to enforce it when their own security is at stake? The irony is almost too much to bear.

But the contradictions don’t end there. In a bizarre twist, reports are that appointments for free vasectomies for Democratic men at the convention have already filled up. If that doesn’t say it all, I don’t know what does!

This whole situation reeks of double standards. It’s a textbook case of “rules for thee, but not for me.” When it comes to protecting their own interests, Democrats are more than willing to abandon their so-called principles. Whether it’s building walls, demanding ID, or promoting population control, they’ll do whatever it takes to keep their power intact.

The double standards on display here are glaring. The Democratic Party has once again revealed that their true agenda is not about fairness or equality, but about control—control of the borders when it suits them, control of the voting process when it benefits them, and control of the population through whatever means they deem necessary.

As these events unfold at the Democratic convention, we’re reminded yet again that the left’s hypocrisy knows no bounds. They preach one thing and practice another, all in the name of power. And they expect the American people to sit back and accept it.

But we won’t. It’s time to call out this hypocrisy for what it is. The Democrats can’t have it both ways. If they’re going to build walls and demand ID at their convention, they should be held accountable for the same actions they’ve demonized in others. The American people deserve leaders who stand by their principles, not ones who twist them to suit their convenience.

So as the Democrats gather behind their walls and check IDs at the door, let’s take a moment to reflect on what this says about their true values. It’s not about fairness or justice—it’s about control. And that’s something every American should be deeply concerned about.

PS. When even Chris Cuomo is calling you out, you know the hypocrisy is glaring!!

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