Dems Have 40 Days To REPLACE Biden

Senior Democratic officials are in "full-panic mode"

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Biden had the worst debate performance in American history.

In what can only be described as the worst presidential debate performance in American political history, President Joe Biden appeared old, frail, and repeatedly lost his train of thought, stumbling over his words in a head-to-head against Donald Trump. The aftermath of this catastrophic showing has sent shockwaves through the Democratic Party, with even stalwart allies CNN and MSNBC in full panic mode.

Post-debate coverage on both networks painted a bleak picture, with anchors and commentators echoing the sentiments of senior Democratic officials who are reportedly scrambling to address the crisis. The concern is palpable: Biden’s age and apparent cognitive decline have become undeniable issues that threaten to derail the party’s chances in the upcoming election.

Entrepreneur and investor Naval Ravikant summed up the dire situation during a recent interview. "It's obviously a disaster for the Democrats. They've got 40 days to find a replacement for him, which is going to be really difficult. The 40-day limit is because of the Ohio ballot rules. To get on the ballot, I think you have till August 4th," Ravikant explained. This tight deadline underscores the urgency of the situation and the near-impossible task the party faces.

Replacing Biden is not just a logistical nightmare; it’s a political minefield. "Because of Biden being the incumbent, they have to convince him to step down, which I don't think actually will be that hard. But then they have the harder job of convincing Harris to step down alongside him," Ravikant noted. Vice President Kamala Harris, who trails Trump significantly in polls, would need to step aside voluntarily to avoid a potentially brutal election defeat.

The Democratic Party’s quandary doesn’t end there. Finding a viable replacement for the Biden-Harris ticket within such a short timeframe is fraught with challenges. "They have to replace the entire Biden-Harris ticket with probably, I would guess, [Michigan Governor Gretchen] Whitmer and somebody else. This is where it gets really tricky. Maybe Hillary [Clinton] makes a comeback. I don't think they can quite run [California Governor Gavin] Newsom. He's not ready, and California's record is terrible, and he would lose all the swing states," Ravikant continued.

The scenario Ravikant describes is a grand political quagmire. The Democratic Party is not only grappling with internal disarray but also facing a formidable opponent in Trump, who has capitalized on every misstep. The prospect of hastily organizing a new ticket and campaign strategy, all while managing the optics and logistical challenges, seems almost insurmountable.

Moreover, Ravikant’s commentary sheds light on broader systemic issues within the party and the government. "It's been semi-obvious that it hasn't been Joe [Biden] in charge. So I think it's just a good moment to reflect upon how the bureaucracy in this country, and frankly in the entire West, is highly entrenched and is on autopilot," he observed. This critique extends beyond the immediate crisis, suggesting that the underlying inefficiencies and entrenched interests within the government have led to a situation where leadership appears absent or ineffective.

Ravikant’s analogy to a malfunctioning corporation is particularly striking: "Imagine if you were an investor in a company or a board member and you walk into your board meeting and you realize the CEO hasn't shown up to work for two years, and really just the VPs have been running amok and doing whatever they wanted. You'd know at that point that anything run by committee is incredibly inefficient and wasteful and almost kleptocratic."

And anybody who watched the debate knows just how much of a malfunctioning corporation Joe Biden and the Democrats are. Just watch this clip below.

As the Democratic Party confronts this unprecedented challenge, the question remains: Are they already defeated? In typical Trump fashion, his campaign has already released a brutal compilation of Biden’s monumentally terrible performance. If you didn’t get a chance to watch the debate, just watch this and spare yourself the other 90 minutes.

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